narrow your prospects by choosing a vertical

bonus: the 10 types of clients.

by penny breslin
it’s not just the numbers

taking on a client’s internal accounting work requires a level of comfort for both the business owner and the accounting firm. a client that has already provided you with access to sensitive financial data is easier to work with than a new business with no previous relationship. once you have done it well with current clients a few times, then you are ready to do this with prospects.

more: eight tasks to delegate today | ten questions for teamwork | build your team, then choose your clients | advisory services done your way | yes, you can be an outsourcer | how back office support adds value | ai is not your enemy
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understand that to be able to effectively in-source your client’s internal accounting work to your accounting firm, you need on-demand access to your client’s information. it doesn’t work if you have to wait for someone to send you the information you need. understand that the processes you use today for write-up and compliance work will not transfer well to this level of client collaboration.